Monday, February 25, 2013

Thank you!

Can we just say how much we LOVE getting post and how grateful we are for the time, effort and money you put in so that we find something in our PO box! It really is like getting a hug from home.

Last week, we discovered a yellow piece of paper in the box. Those around cooed enviously: "Oooooooo you have a parcel!" The Post Office itself is only open in the afternoons, so we had to go back. To say that we were excited would be an understatement - our first parcel! When the lady handed it over, Tru actually did a little dance! (Not sure if this was appropriate but there were amused smiles all round!) Not only was it a parcel, but it was wrapped in brown paper - just like in the song, 'My Favourite Things'! Inside the loving sender had even made the box look like a suitcase and it was full of yummy reminders of Wales, including Welsh cakes (our favourite!).

We have also received some cards and it really is difficult to say how much the sight of well-known handwriting means. Perhaps you will think that we sound a little homesick and perhaps you are right, but it does. So thank you kind friends - these things always happen when we most need encouragement and God is certainly using our PO box to give it to us. Please keep them coming!

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